Are you anxious or worried?

We are always in a loop of confusion whether we are anxious or worried in certain situations. Everyone at some level feels anxious in unpleasant situations but it’s important to know how extreme the feeling is.
Anxiety is a diffuse, unpleasant, vague sense of apprehension. It’s often a response to an imprecise or unknown threat such as the uneasiness you might feel walking down a dark street alone. Anxiety is a psychological disorder. Diagnosable anxiety disorder is when a person’s anxiety level rises enough to rapidly decrease performance and cause impairment. It’s a severe, persistent worry that is excessive for the situation, and extreme avoidance of anxiety-provoking situations.
Worry or fear on another, do not negatively interfere with the daily routine. Worry can help you in certain situations for problem-solving or push you to work hard. And it creates mild emotional distress which is temporary.
For instance, awaiting examination results can lead to worry which is a normal response. But when this very worry gives a major impact on physical as well as psychological wellbeing at an extreme level then it’s anxiety-provoking or a person feeling anxious.
Not all anxiety is terrible or extreme. Some are at a low level and have a mild effect on mind and body, which can lead to a confusion of worry or anxiety. But it’s important to know that worry affects the mind and is a normative psychological state which is for a time being. Anxiety affects the whole body; mentally and physically. It is considered as a true mental disorder, which can be medically/therapeutically treated under professionals.
Here in this image, GAD is General anxiety disorder, wherein all the factors like sleep, fatigue, arousal, irritability, muscle tension etc occur and affect a person.
Whereas, this image presents that worry affects the mind and happens during uncertainty which again fuels to generate worry. It is for a time being and not permanent.
It is essential to know what state you are in and if your worry seems to be extreme as discussed above then it is advisable to consult a professional so that it can be dealt with accordingly and effectively.
Artwork by – Twinkle Bardolia (