Making Space

It is said that it is humans who create complexity in the head and not the situation, sometimes we are unaware of the reasons for our worry and concern. There are millions of things in our mind and lots of concern but at times, we are unaware of things which are bothering us and it can lead to restlessness and frustration.
‘Making Space’ or ‘Clearing a space’ is an exercise where you find a little space between you and your concerns, to become aware of what’s going on in YOU. It helps you to take out time to relax and create a condition in yourself before you begin to explore a specific issue or concerns.
It’s important to greet yourself like you greet your close ones when they want to be heard. Connect yourself with your inner self and listen to what it wants to say out loud.
We often distract ourselves when things are bothering us but this exercise makes us aware of things which we aren’t aware of. Just like your physical body reflects when you have a good workout. Similarly, when you ask yourself the questions, your mind gives out the answer in a state you are in.
Steps are as follows for this exercise :
- Ensure that you are sitting comfortably and will not be distracted.
- Provide yourself with good companionship.
- If you want, you can close your eyes for a while and observe your breathing.
- Let your attention come down into your body. Be aware of your physical body. Perhaps first the outer area of your body, like your feet and legs, your arms and hands, and then sense the contact of your body with whatever you’re sitting on. Now bring awareness into the middle part of your body, sensing your throat, and your chest, and your belly.
- Ask yourself the question: “What is occupying my attention right now?” or “How do I feel right now?” or “How is my life going? What are the main things for me right now?” or you could start with: “What is keeping me from feeling an open inner space at this time?”
- Notice everything that comes to your mind and what you observe in your body… Don’t go into anything right now. Recognize whatever comes up as it arises. When some concern comes, do not go into it. Just say “Yes, that’s there. I can feel that, there.”
- You can write on a piece of paper some keywords. Acknowledge everything just the way it is. Write down a few words on the topics that come to your attention. Take the time you need for it.
- You can then allow yourself the opportunity to put each of these things aside. You can literally make that movement in reality by placing the paper you wrote on, at a distance. Continue this process until you have acknowledged and written down all the various things, and found a place for them. The ‘right place’ to put something aside may be at a small or a large distance from yourself, depending on what your feelings tell you to do. Do not hesitate to change things until you feel that it is ‘right’.
- Observe how you feel inside after putting all the papers aside. Feel whether you now have an open inner space.
- You may also write down a keyword or a phrase or an image to capture the experience of ‘having inner space’.
In this, you are in a state where you can feel all your senses and the way you are feeling. Making space helps you detach from your worries and capture the experience of attaining being with your true self. Go back each time you are ready to focus your mind over new thoughts and have an acknowledgement.
Link for making space exercise is attached below:-
Artwork By:- Twinkle Bardolia (
Making Space – Existential Wellbeing Counseling: A Person-centered Experiential Approach Course by Mia Lejissen.